Google Cloud Storage

M-Lab publishes all data it collects in raw form as archives on Google Cloud Storage (GCS) at the following location:

File Layout

All M-Lab files are packaged and compressed in .tar format. They are placed in folders and named according to the following schema:

[tool]/[YYYY]/[MM]/[DD]/[YYYYMMDD]T[HHMMSS]-[server]-[tool]-[file index].tgz

  • tool: The measurement tool that generated the data
  • YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS: Start of the time window in which the data were collected
  • server: M-Lab server that collected the data
  • file index: Index of the file

This means that each compressed .tgz file contains all the data collected during a single day, by a single tool running on a single M-Lab server.

If the data collected during one day by one tool on one server are more than 1 GB (uncompressed), the files are split into multiple compressed .tgz files of up to 1 GB in size.

For example, the compressed .tgz file 20090218T000000Z-mlab1-lga01-ndt-0000.tgz contains the first 1 GB of data collected by all the NDT tests that were served by the M-Lab server mlab1-lga01 on Feb 18, 2009.

Accessing Data Programmatically

Accessing Data with gsutil

The easiest way to access M-Lab data on GCS programmatically is by using the gsutil command-line utility.

# List the contents of the M-Lab NDT data in GCS.
$ gsutil ls -l gsutil ls -l gs://m-lab/

# Copy a file from GCS locally.
$ gsutil cp gs://m-lab/ndt/2009/02/18/20090218T000000Z-mlab1-lga01-ndt-0000.tgz .

Accessing Data With Common HTTP Tools

The URLs shown in M-Lab’s GCS web interface require the user to be logged in, which can present challenges when attempting to access the data with common HTTP utilities like curl or wget.

You can access M-Lab files programmatically by replacing:


in any GCS URL.

For example, if the URL of a raw NDT archive on the GCS web application is:

You can access it without authentication via this URL:

GCS File Index

A list of all M-Lab files in GCS is available at:

This file provides gs:// URLs to M-Lab data.

To change these URLs to https:// URLs (compatible with common HTTP tools), you can convert the file using the following bash script:

$ curl | gunzip | \
while read; do echo ${REPLY/gs:\/\//}; done
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